The advent of technologies has brought about so many advancements in our lives today. From the convenience of a smart phone to other luxuries in life, we are in constant need for improvements and developments of so many things that we often forget the most fundamental ‘advancement’ that we truly need and want – clean water. It is when most people pay lesser attention to this essence of life, we embarked on our journey to provide the world with the best water purifying technologies, in hope that we can contribute to the health of every individual on Earth.
Our business model is very simple – we want every household or premise to be able to afford and enjoy clean water and we shall do everything it takes to achieve this goal. Since our establishment, we have invested various resources, technologies and expertise to produce our flagship line of products, NANOS, and we are very proud of how it has touched the countless lives throughout Malaysia.
Nothing is impossible.
Change your mind, change your life.

Nanos Win Star is truly blessed with the support of all our customers, who stood with us regardless of the challenging climate of our economy and country. As we recognize no impossibility, we have come so far to where we are today with our unwavering determination and spirit. To date, we lead the market at an exponential rate and we continue to invest in our research and development initiatives to realize the breakthrough that we desire. We truly believe in our capability and capacity to bring about significant changes to the world.
As the CEO of Nanos Win Star Sdn Bhd, I invite you to start your journey with us towards a healthy living beyond compare because we truly value your health and vitality. To all of our clients, we thank you for the opportunity to serve you as a trusted brand and we shall continue to strive for your health and benefits. May we journey to a better and healthier future together.
Mr. Lim Kim Chong